Philog's head management is composed of Philippe BENON, Antoine MAUFERON and Guillaume GRUSSENMEYER.
Christelle CAMPOS, Alexis IBIINGA and Yoann LAMY are in charge of Philog's main departments.
Quality & Communication Manager Administrative Manager
Graduated from an engineer school, Christelle CAMPOS has been Quality Manager since 1993. She joined Philog in November 2000 to finalize the ISO 9001 certification process. Since 2001, she daily ensures a dynamics of continuous improvement of Philog services, a dynamics that she also applies internally as Administrative and Financial Manager since 2003. In March 2017, she graduated from the Nanterre University (Paris X) where she got a Master "Law, Economics and Management - Mention : Management of SME & Entrepreneurship". |
Sales ManagerGraduated from the International Trade Academy, Alexis IBINGA began his career in 1997 as a sales engineer at Action Soft, a software systems editing company. In September 2000, he joined Philog as a sales engineer in order to develop the technical assistance sales pole. Sales Manager since September 2004, Alexis is in charge of the entire trade and marketing policy of the company. |
Technical ManagerGraduated from the Orsay University (Paris XI) where he got a DESS and finished valedictorian in 1998, Yoann LAMY began his career at Philog as Windows drivers' developer (including USB), area in which he quickly developed a recognized expertise. After serving for 10 years as a Project Manager and technical expert of turnkey developments, Yoann became Technical Manager in 2010. |
CEO and Founder of Philog
Graduated from the ENSIMAG engineer school, Michel BEIGBEDER founded Philog in 1982 after its collaboration to the TRANSPAC project at the SESA Company: |
Quality & Communication Manager Administrative Manager
Graduated from an engineer school, Christelle CAMPOS has been Quality Manager since 1993. She joined Philog in November 2000 to finalize the ISO 9001 certification process. Since 2001, she daily ensures a dynamics of continuous improvement of Philog services, a dynamics that she also applies internally as Administrative and Financial Manager. |
Sales ManagerGraduated from the International Trade Academy, Alexis IBINGA began his career in 1997 as a sales engineer at Action Soft, a software systems editing company. In September 2000, he joined Philog as a sales engineer in order to develop the technical assistance sales pole. Sales Manager since September 2004, Alexis is in charge of the entire trade and marketing policy of the company. |
Technical ManagerGraduated from the Orsay University (Paris XI) where he got a DESS and finished valedictorian in 1998, Yoann LAMY began his career at Philog as Windows drivers' developer (including USB), area in which he quickly developed a recognized expertise. After serving for 10 years as a Project Manager and technical expert of turnkey developments, Yoann became Technical Manager in 2010. |